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Reviews of 507 At The Waves

David Peters

We get a lot of great reviews of 507 At The Waves, and that makes us happy!

Happy that we have met, and in almost every case, exceeded our guests expectations.

As owner/operators of 507, we take a personal pride in our guests experiences.

As we live off-site, and our guests seldom ever meet us in person, we try and compensate by ensuring we provide ample information at the time our guests book, and again at the time of their arrival.

Occasionally we get a review that is inconsistent with our high ratings, and we contact guests to find out why they rated us so (this has actually only happened approximately 3 or 4 times in the last 4 years). The feedback surprised us!

Most of our reviews come from our guests (everyone uses Google to find info, but we, and many other businesses we know, very rarely get reviews on our Google+ account). It turns out our guests were happy, and thought they had provided a great review, but the rating system in particular can be a little tricky!

Let's explain: use smiley faces to rate a guest score. Smiley faces are only good, and that equals 7.5/10. Now there may have been nothing wrong with a stay, so people give all smiley faces, but they are actually giving their host a 7.5/10.

See below how the face icon represents points, and that determines our rating.

Please keep that in mind if you are leaving an accommodation provider a rating :)



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